Curriculum 2024-2025

Curriculum Statement


Relationships and Health Education (RHE)

At St Ethelbert's, our pupils study RHE through the Ten: Ten programme which is run by a Catholic Organisation for Schools.

The programme has, at its heart, this quote from scripture: 

‘I have come that you might have life and have it to the full’  (John 10:10)

At St Ethelbert’s we believe growing a happy and fulfilled life is our aim for our pupils. The defining belief of Christianity is that we are formed in the image of God, and that we have been endowed with an extraordinary human dignity and unique characteristics that make us all special and worthy of all the gifts that life can provide. To this end, our pupils need to understand their own human worth, and
that of others. In line with the teachings of the Church on relationships, family life, marriage and sex, we promote an ethos of love, care and acceptance of others.

Catholic education teaches children about the dignity of human life, the importance of caring for others and for respecting oneself. In the 21st Century, keeping safe is a key priority for children, in relationships with friends, family and online. Themes such as stages in the human life cycle, body changes, managing emotions, making choices, respecting others, recognising risky behaviours and accepting oneself are ways in which pupils are taught how to be physically and emotionally healthy at an age-appropriate level, and with the Gospel values firmly underpinning the teaching.

Please read our policy and parent information booklet for further information-

RHE Policy

Parent RHE Information Booklet

You can also log into the Ten:Ten RHE programme website to view all of the lessons and resources we will be using from Nursery to Year 6-

Online Parent Portal

School Username- Ethelberts

School Password- parent1



Reviewed September 2024